Društvo "Naša djeca" Opatija koristit će Vašu e-mail adresu u svrhu slanja Newslettera. Vaša e-mail adresa je Vaš osobni podatak, stoga za njeno korištenje moramo imati Vašu suglasnost, a nju nam dajete klikom u prazno polje pored naziva „E-mail“ i oznakom kvačice koja će se nakon klika pojaviti: Suglasan /suglasna sam da Društvo "Naša djeca" Opatija u svrhu primanja Newslettera koristi moj podatak: / Society "Our Children" Opatija will use your e-mail address for the purpose of sending the Newsletter. Your e-mail address is your personal data, so we must have your consent to use it, and you give it to us by clicking in the blank field next to the name "E-mail" and the check mark that will appear after the click: I agree that the Society "Naša djeca" Opatija uses my information for the purpose of receiving the Newsletter:
Možete se predomisliti bilo kada i to nam javiti klikom na Odjavu s Newslettera koja će biti dostupna u dnu svakog e-maila koji od nas zaprimite. Odjavu ćemo smatrati povlačenjem suglasnosti i Vašu e-mail adresu izbrisat ćemo iz naše baze. Također, suglasnost možete povući i kontaktirajući nas na dnd.opatija@gmail.com. Za slanje Newslettera koristimo MailChimp platformu i pozivamo Vas da se upoznate i sa njihovim Pravilima o privatnosti. / You can change your mind at any time and let us know by clicking Unsubscribe from the Newsletter which will be available at the bottom of every email you receive from us. We will consider unsubscribing from the withdrawal of consent and we will delete your e-mail address from our database. You can also withdraw your consent by contacting us at dnd.opatija@gmail.com. We use the MailChimp platform to send the Newsletter and invite you to familiarize yourself with their Privacy Policy.